Hi everyone! I’m back from the holiday break and jumping right into what’s probably on lots of people’s minds when putting away Christmas decorations, cleaning and organizing! Eep! Maybe not the funnest topic, but I know this time of the year I always get the urge to organize everything in my house. All the Christmas decorations start to overwhelm me and I want to purge it all. There’s something soothing about taking all the Christmas decorations down and simplifying my surroundings. I got to organize our linen closet this weekend and now I’m on a mission to organize *all the things*. We’ll see how far this gets, probably just a closet or two then life will inevitable catch up and I will forget. Que Sera Sera.

Basket Toy Storage

In fact, I’m absolutely no where close to where I’d like to be when it comes to organization and tidiness. Despite what you see here these baskets where emptied out shortly after I took these photos. When you have a kid you start to accumulate so much more stuff that you have to find a place to put it all. If you, like me, have an obsession with how your decor looks, you may refuse to use any sort of plastic storage containers. These things have forced me to work on my organization and storage solutions that will fit the aesthetic of our home.

Baskets have been the saving grace. I never had a big reason to buy them before becoming a mom. I’d see them and think things like “Those are pretty. Why is this basket so expensive? Why would anyone need so many baskets?” Ah, omg, I was so naive when it was just the two of us. Please, send me pretty baskets because apparently I have a never ending amount of stuff to fill them with.

Anyway, it’s Tuesday and I’ve been pretty terrible with the “Tuesday Ten” lately. Since I’m on organization mode, I chose 10 great baskets (including some I use) that offer different storage solutions. You’ll find lots of deals on storage and organization items this time of year, so if you have lots of stuff that you want to hide, now’s your chance!



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